Tuesday, November 26, 2019
In Another Country Essays
In Another Country Essays In Another Country Paper In Another Country Paper Essay Topic: A Farewell to Arms War is the worst thing a world can confront. For me. war is ever associated with unhappiness. loss. heartache and people’s courage. And all these subjects are brilliantly unfolded in the narrative In Another Country by Ernest Hemingway. which is under consideration. Hemingway is an American writer of the twentieth century. who won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1954. The 1s of his celebrated plants include The Sun Besides Rises. A Farewell to Arms. The Old Man and The Sea. The popularity of Hemingway’s is based on the subjects. which are love. war. wilderness and loss. all of which are strongly apparent in the organic structure of work. The rubric of the narrative is perplexing. as it has two significances: direct and indirect 1. At first glimpse. In Another Country. refers to the fact that the American storyteller is so in a foreign land-Italy. But the other side of it is that the chief hero is culturally. emotionally in another state. He is at War. the state of the so-called’ illness and wounding. Now allow me give you the brief Reconstruction of the events. It was fall in Milan. a group of soldiers wounded in World War I received intervention at a infirmary. There. one of the chief characters. the storyteller of the narrative. wounded in his articulatio genus. saw three Italian soldiers. but felt a great wall between him and them. because he had received his decoration for being an American. and they really performed efforts of courage to have theirs. Another chief character. the major with the shriveled manus taught him Italian. One twenty-four hours. the major became angry when Nick references about matrimony. he burst out. because the major’s married woman had merely died. The major could non vacate himself to the loss of his married woman. He was crushed. shattered by the intelligence. While reading the narrative we can province several key-points. which help us to understand and analyse the context. And the chief of them. to my head are war and courage. First. allow me brood upon the courage. The attitude towards courage is different in footings of the characters of the narrative. The personality of the storyteller is described indirectly. through his ideas. He wasn’t a courageous adult male during the war. I was really much afraid to die†¦ and inquiring how I would be when I went back to the forepart again’ . As for the three soldiers. there was no impression of the courage in the marks of any of these individuals. The storyteller calls them hunting hawks . They were runing for decorations. stuff values. given by the authorities. non for the religion. The attitude of the supporter and the soldiers are besides specific due to attitude towards the war. so was the major. We get to cognize from the narrative that they are Italian. They are really loyal people. and their responsibility was to protect their state. as the war was on their district. And the storyteller was merely an American. Let me cite: I had been given the decorations because I was an American†¦being wounded. after all. was truly an accident. He didn’t understand why people die. what they fought for. The job of the lost generation’ arises here. The fact is that Americans were apathetic to the war. Their purpose was merely to take part and being wounded. As the consequence. the relationship between the storyteller and the soldiers were specific. Let me cite: I was a friend. but I was neer truly one of them†¦ they have done different things to acquire their medals . I wasn’t a hawk . As for the major. he didn’t believe in courage at at. And Through his loss we understand that for the storyteller the major was the bravest adult male of all. as he possessed a strong head and tried to get by with his feelings like a brave soldier. We are to acknowledge that the writer uses different stylistic device. what makes the narrative more expressive. captivating and interesting to read. First of all it is the use of foreign words. for case Signor Maggiore . A basso gliufficiali! . which reflect the Italian ambiance. where the action takes topographic point. Other stylistic device is symbolism. which. to my head. prevalent in this narrative. The retrieving machines are the symbol of false promises and hopes. I quote: †¦ there were big framed photograps around the wall. of all kinds of lesions before and after they had been cured by the machines†¦ I do non cognize where the physician got them . and this symbol besides implicate with sarcasm. e. g. You will be able to play football once more better than ever . Other symbols. roasted chestnuts . charcoal fire . are the hopes for the better. because they mean light and heat. The narrative makes usage of repeat to stress the narrative In the autumn the war was ever there . It was cold in the autumn in Milan and the dark came really early. He repeats this thought with a somewhat different accent at the terminal of the paragraph: It was a cold autumn and the air current came down from the mountains. This description of nature here is besides instead symbolic. It makes me experience the ambiance of decease and hopelessness. In decision I can state that it is smth bloody and sad. But through all these catastrophes we are to remain worlds and courage 1s. The war will complete. but the human nature is ageless.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Science Fair Project Ideas for Environmental Problems
Science Fair Project Ideas for Environmental Problems Are you interested in doing a science fair project that involves the environment, ecology, pollution, or other environmental issues? Here are some science fair project ideas that involve environmental science problems. Environmental Processes Does the pH of rain or other precipitation (snow) vary according to ​the season?Is the pH of rain the same as the pH of soil?Can you use a plant to gauge the level of air pollution?Can you use plants to remove air pollutants?Can you use algae to remove water pollutants?How does soil composition change with depth?What organisms can you use as indicator organisms to alert you to a dangerous environmental condition in the environment?How can you simulate acid rain? Studying Environmental Damage What effect does the presence of phosphates have, if any, on the oxygen level of water in a pond?How does an oil spill affect marine life?How much lead is in your soil? How much mercury is in your soil?How much electronic pollution is there in your home? Can you find a way to measure it?How much copper can plants tolerate?How does the presence of soap or detergent in water affect plant growth? What about seed germination or propagation?How far away from an animal pen do you need to be for there to be no fecal bacteria contamination of the soil or water? Researching Solutions Can you use gray water (water that has been used for bathing or washing) to water your plants? Does it matter what type of soap you used for your cleaning? Are some plants more tolerant of gray water than others?Are carbon filters as effective with chlorinated or fluoridated water as they are with water that does not contain chlorine or fluoride?How can you minimize the volume taken up by trash?How much trash can be recycled or composted?How can you prevent soil erosion?What type of car antifreeze is most friendly to the environment?What type of de-icer is most friendly to the environment?Are there non-toxic methods that can be used to control mosquito populations?
Thursday, November 21, 2019
The cultural effect of automobile on Americans in the 1920 Essay
The cultural effect of automobile on Americans in the 1920 - Essay Example The automobile had come a long way by then from the era of the Model T Fords that looked like square boxes mounted on wheels. The assembly line manufacturing method of Henry Ford had become the norm in car manufacturing and allowed the people to afford the automobile at lesser than the usual price. Now, no place was too far for the public to reach. Everything was only a car ride away. However, the road infrastructure still needed to keep up with the rapid growth of the automobile economy. The affordable cost of the new range of factory line produced automobiles helped to give rise to the era of American consumerism. Americans no longer purchased goods simply for consumption. Due to the effective advertising campaigns of automobiles, first as print ads and then as commercials on radio and television, the American psyche was awakened to a new and powerful type of happiness. A happiness that lay in their ability to buy things such as automobiles which, according to the sales pitches, was guaranteed to bring them hours, days, months, or even years of happiness with their family members and friends. Now, Americans purchased a lifestyle instead of an item. They now spent their hard earned cash with the knowledge that the purchase would bring them a sense of happiness. The automobile was the greatest expression of the happiness a person could find in his rising social status. From the era of 1910 to 1950, Americans began to develop a special relationship with their cars in part due to the influence of the automobile advertisements and the cars ability to provide a freedom of movement to a person. Customizing the car also became the ultimate in personal expression for young people. The automobile had a tendency to reflect the character of the owner. There was a sense of dependence on the automobile that could often be misconstrued as an
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Marketing the iPhone Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Marketing the iPhone - Essay Example Product, price, place and promotion formed the marketing mix. While each component had its role in forming the marketing strategy, promotion essentially meant reaching out to the customer through advertising and media campaigns. The marketing campaign is in fact considered successful, if the company is able to create a genuine buzz around its product/s and able to raise the curiosity levels of the prospective customers. In today's world 'promotion' field has been further widened by renaming it as marketing communication. Such a communication now forms a crucial part of the managerial activities. Creating a buzz becomes all the more crucial if the company is coming out with a product for the first time, which is outside its core business. A renowned company known for its computer brands would certainly make sure that it doesn't end up with a deep dent in its reputation and huge financial losses after entering into a product category, where cut-throat competition keeps the reputed bran ds always on their toes. It is under these circumstances that Apple Inc. decided to create the buzz around the iPhone. It certainly goes to the credit of Apple Inc that it not only created a decent buzz around iPhone, but it also retained the faith of its millions of customers. It is worthwhile here to mention that the marketing communication strategy adopted by Apple Inc was unique in many ways. While on the surface it appeared to be a low key, the blogger community, the media, the corporate circles, the office going community, the college going students etc. kept debating and discussing 'what the iPhone could be like' While on the one hand Apple Inc. did not spend too much on its advertising campaigns, the company was also able to put on display a mature appearance. Apple, having entered in the mobile field in collaboration with Motorola, in the recent past had some experience of the stiff competition in the mobile world. With brand names like Nokia, Ericson, Motorola etc. tracking the moves of new entrants, Apple Inc. was bound to think about a campaign which goes well beyond the launch of just another phone from existing mobile phone makers. At the same time, managers at Apple were equally concerned about any loose ends, which might adversely impact its reputation and other established brands. Apple wanted to make sure that while the campaign doesn't look like too glittery and gaudy, yet the message reaches out to the common man. In addition, company also realized that people may not be ready to go for 'just another phone', because with the advent of powerful technologies like Wimax31 and HSOPA32 (High Speed OFDM Packet Access), the mobile phone is no more being used as a phone, instead it has become an important tool for entertainment and mob ile computing in this convergence era. Therefore, Apple Inc. was bound to pack the iPhone with a host of feature, including some of the features of its own stronghold gadget iPod. Prior to the official launch of the iPhone, Apple came out with a teaser ad campaign that did not even mention the brand name. This ad campaign called 'Hello' was started during the Academy Awards. And the long queues before the iPhone stores, use of terms like 'Jesus Phone' for the iPhone are a testimony of the successful buzz around the launch. Advantages of such a strategy are; i. The company, while able to raise the curiosity levels around
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Evaluating Eighteenth Century Poetry Essay Example for Free
Evaluating Eighteenth Century Poetry Essay Evaluating eighteenth century poetry is not an easy task. After all, the use of language, the cultural references, and the metaphors used then might be a little too different from what are being used now. As such, it would be necessary to take into account the usage of the languageâ€â€the construction, the idioms being used then, as well as the different expressions being used then. The following points outline several points in reading, enjoying, and evaluating poetry in the eighteenth century. I. Introduction: The authors who wrote poetry in the eighteenth century should be reviewed briefly so that a student may gain some familiarity to 18th century poetry. II. Historical Context and State of the Art. A brief description of the social situation in the period will also be in order as these would lend color and appearance to the poetic inspirations and situations depicted in the poetry then. III. Literary Devices. In evaluating poetry, the reader should be on the lookout for several literary devices such as metaphors, similes, and personification among others. These would also point to the topics and themes explored then. These literary devices can then be analyzed internally as to their effectiveness in conveying the poem’s message during the period. IV.  Language. The language of the eighteenth century is far different from today. As such, it would be necessary to look into the language used, the manner of sentence construction as well as the overall usage and popularity of the language then. Finally, there could also be a way to trace the legacy of these poetry to poetry today.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki Essay -- essays research papers
Hiroshima. Nagasaki. From the bombing of Pearl Harbor to D-day, the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki will be a triumph for the US by nuclear achievements and ending a war, but a tragedy for the all of the innocent Japanese victims. I decided to research this topic because I was interested in what happened in World War Two and wanted to learn more about this special occurrence. I believe this topic is important in history because when we need to make a decision of war, where thousands maybe millions of lives are at risk to prevent even more from being ended or even destroyed from the effects of it, we may look at this event and make a decision that will change history forever. The war in Europe soon affected Asia. Although it was not part of the European war Japan was an ally of the Nazi-Germany and Italy. The three countries had signed an agreement in 1936, called the Anti-Communist International Treaty. By 1949, the Japanese government was largely dominated by militarists, extremists in the army and navy and their supporters who wanted the armed forces to control Japan and organize Japanese society along military principles. They believed Japan had a sacred mission to conquer new territory to provide the natural resources that Japan lacked. In May 1941, the United States extended its â€Å"Lend Lease†program to China. In effect, this meant that China could buy arms and supplies from the United States on long-term credit. By doing this, the United States was confirming that it would continue to support China in its war against Japan. At the same time, talks between Japan and the United States began in Washington, D.C: they continued for months. Mo st historians agree that the negotiations never had any chance of success because ea... ...econd atom bomb, Fat Man, was sped up, and on August 9 it was ready to be dropped. Bad weather over the primary target of Kokura forced Major Charles W. Sweeney, the pilot of Bock’s Car, which was carrying the atom bomb, to divert the secondary target of Nagasaki. Clouds also obscured Nagasaki, but at the last minute, the clouds broke open and the second atom bomb known as Fat Man was dropped on Japan. Fat man exploded 1,600 feet above the city with an estimated force of 22,00 tons. The target seen through the clouds was several miles upriver from the original aiming point. Although the damage at Hiroshima, an estimated 50% of the population, died from the bomb in the next five years. Early in the morning of August 9, the Japanese was council met once again to discuss the possibility of surrender. The war council was evenly split over surrender. The war was over.4
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Scent of Apples Analysis
There are 4 characters of the story ‘Scent of Apples' by Bienvenido Santos. In the story, you will read about Celestino Fabia, Ruth and Roger. The fourth character is the author himself who also plays a role in the story. In my recent lurking on websites that feature blog posts about writing and reading fiction, I have come across an article created by a freelance writer. In her post, she explained the manner in which she writes. At first I thought I was in for a very discombobulating read, considering that her writing style was actually not average and that her method may involve serious reference to classical didactic writers found on literature textbooks. But her style was surprisingly simple. She said that before she can write anything, she needs to come up with a single word from which all thoughts and ideas in the article would be derived. The Scent of Apples by Bienvenido Santos reminds me of this writing style. Of course, that statement wasn’t intended to pose a comparison but was just an effect of a serious and curious rumination of an amateur reader – a sudden gush of ideas stemming from a glimpse of literary schema. Nostalgia, as it seems, is the word from which the entire short story emanates. What’s more wonderful about the literary work was that the author doesn’t have to be blunt to elucidate. In fact, the work is simple yet it can rival the literary audacities of other short stories. It is an established rule in writing that one needs to carefully think of a title that makes a literary work worth reading. Santos’ choice of title is an effortless adherence to this rule for it runs from the literal to the metaphorical and back, suggesting that various interpretations of readers from all ranges of literary exposure are appropriate. The story itself is a display of artistic versatility – a confirmation that however one interprets the title, the story won’t lose its meaning. For this, The Scent of Applesis more than just a story of an immigrant Filipino. The story opened with a brief introduction of where the author was. The imagery was vivid albeit the absence of several sentences teeming with adjectives, an introduction which writers like Sarah Dunant and J. R. R. Tolkien may consider a literary Scrooge. When I arrived in Kalamazoo it was October and the war was still on. Gold and silver stars hung on pennants above silent windows of white and brick-red cottages . . To compensate, however, the writer brings up a scene which everyone could relate to. And why would the physical environment matter when loneliness is already palpable in the mere look of a stranger’s face, enough to see and feel how longing creeps in their whole being. . . an old man burned leaves and twigs while a gray-haired woman sat on the porch, her red hands quiet on her lap, watching the smoke rising above the elms, both of them thinking the same thought perhaps, about a tall, grinning boy with his blue eyes and flying hair, who went out to war . . . The historical period in which the literary work was written also contrib ute to the creation of an almost tangible environment despite the sparseness of descriptive text. One thing that unites humans into an unwritten bond of brotherhood is the war, along with the bitterness of living during its span and surviving its cruelty. Everything seems to be reminiscent of souls sent to a battle falsely thought of as great; for what is great in something when it takes lives, tears hearts and ends happiness? . . . where could he be now this month when leaves were turning into gold and the fragrance of gathered apples was in the wind? . . . Under the lampposts the leaves shone like bronze. And they rolled on the pavements like the ghost feet of a thousand autumns long dead, long before the boys left for faraway lands without great icy winds and promise of winter early in the air, lands without apple trees, the singing and the gold! Amidst the gloominess of the location, the author was expected to speak before an audience regarding the culture of the Philippines, which was now becoming a â€Å"lost country†. It is when a Filipino farmer, Celestino Fabia, asked about the difference between Filipinas then and now, to which the author responded that though their physical appearance changed, they remain the pure-hearted and nice women like their past counterparts. The farmer was pleased with the answer and he invited the author over to his house so he could meet his family. During their trip to Celestino’s house the next day, the author discovered what his life in the Philippines was. And when he met his family, he was struck by their simplicity and contentedness. Celestino’s life stories hit him with the realization that women, or people, regardless of whatever culture, possess a charitable and kind heart. That hospitality is not a racial trademark but an innate human quality. Ruth got busy with the drinks. She kept coming in and out of a rear room that must have been the kitchen and soon the table was heavy with food, fried chicken legs and rice, and green peas and corn on the ear. Even as we ate, Ruth kept standing, and going to the kitchen for more food. Roger ate like a little gentleman. Along with this, the farmer’s relationship with his wife manifested that theirs was a relationship beyond the notion that companionship is a commodity. They stayed with each other through thick and thin. Women, even miles beyond the Pacific, are loving, loyal and warm-hearted – the same characteristics Celestino used to describe Filipinas he was acquainted with. His wife Ruth, at some extent, went way beyond the adjectives. Ruth stayed in the hospital with Fabia. She slept in a corridor outside the patients' ward and in the day time helped in scrubbing the floor and washing the dishes and cleaning the men's things. They didn't have enough money and Ruth was willing to work like a slave. Celestino’s life seemed to hit a sensitive cord within the author for he offered to send news to his family back home. But the farmer declined. This scene creates the peak of the climactic revelations of the life of an immigrant Filipino in times of war. No matter how strong the nostalgia is, or dire the desire to be home, an exile can’t leave the place to where he was banished. It may be because of fear of being long forgotten, or the consolation one gets from people who tried to complete them no matter if the attempt can only get them somewhere still far from nirvana. Whatever that is, the pain of an individual whose heart stretches to both ends of the world has no measure. And Bienvenido Santos clearly, albeit succinctly, showed all those truths. Thus, The Scent of Apples was an expected masterpiece. Besides, who else can understand things â€Å"peculiar to the exile†other than an exile himself?
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Is the Catcher in the Rye Should Be Banned
Is the Catcher in the Rye should be banned? According to Sova B Dawn, â€Å"The novel has long ignited disapproval, and it was the most frequently banned book in schools between 1966 and 1975. Even before that time, however, the work was a favorite target of sensors. †(Dawn) Whitfield also documents that â€Å"In 1973 the American School Board Journal called The Catcher in the Rye the most widely censored book in the United States. †(Whitfield) Why people, especially parents, eager to place the Catcher in the Rye, the classic story of a teenager quest for maturity in the banned book list? â€Å"In late 1980, Mark David Chapman stuck a copy of J. D. Salinger's book in his pocket as he stalked and then murdered John Lennon. Before the New York police arrived, the assassin began re-reading the novel to himself. †Whitfield documents the negative influence the Catcher in the Rye has, â€Å"John Hinckley, who said ‘if you want my defense all you have to do is read Catcher in the Rye. It seemed to be time to read it again. ’†(Whitfield)Both of these men claimed that their defense could be found within the pages of Salinger’s novel. People may wonder why the book has the odd connection with criminal loners. Maybe because they found themselves are so familiar with what happened to Holden Caulfield? Most people counts these crimes as a result of publishing the novel, however, if the book doesn’t exist at all, these two people would still be involved in crimes. In other words, it is not the book that boosts them to shoot people. It is themselves that did so. Obviously, another reason is the book â€Å"included considerable profanity and ‘filthy and profane’ language. †(Dawn) Some parents prohibited their children to read the novel even without reading it themselves. They just flip a few pages and the offending words can be easily found so that they immediately make a judgment that this book is not suitable for children to learn. But the question is, is that really true? If a work contains â€Å"dirty†words is it mean it’s immoral? To answer the question, we have to define the word â€Å"morality†. The definition of morality varies from different people depending on their social position, their careers and their growing path and so on. We should not listen to those who yelling the loudest unconditionally, instead we should choose to listen to our own hearts, to make our own decisions, to find the mature definition. We can take a serious look into Holden Caulfield that whether he sets a bad example to teenagers or not. For this problem, Edwards has her view that the Holden’s suggestive immorality doesn’t influence the readers negatively. On the contrary, it is Holden’s many good qualities that actually influence the readers positively. Edwards then uses five different moral ideasâ€â€Unto the Least of These, Honor Thy Father and Thy Mother, Blessed are the Pure, Woe to You, Hypocrites, Suffer the Little Children to show the relationship between Holden Caulfield and Bible in her article in order to prove the protagonist is not â€Å"guilty†for his actions. The main idea Edwards uses is Holden’s relationship with his family. No one could probably love his family more than Holden does. He admires his older brother, D. B’s skill and work as a writer in Hollywood. And for Allie, Holden’s little brother, died for leukemia about two years ago, Holden described him as â€Å"terrifically intelligent†and â€Å"the most intelligent member in the family. He was also the nicest. †(Salinger 38) When Holden knew about his younger brother’s death, he broke all the windows with his bare fists. He mentioned that his hand still hurts once in a while, which may refer his special feelings for Allie, will not disappear as the time passed by. Another indispensable character is Holden’s ten-year-old sister, Phoebe. â€Å"You should see her. You never saw a little kid so pretty and smart in your whole life. She's really smart. I mean she's had all A's ever since she started school. †(Salinger) One can easily see Holden’s care and love for Phoebe. The leading character of Catcher in the Rye is absolutely not against the family value which society take a really consideration for one to be moral. It is exactly his love for Phoebe, his love for family that keeps him stay rather than escaping to â€Å"somewhere out west where it was very pretty and sunny and where nobody’d know me. †(Salinger 198) Holden’s empathy for other people serves as another reason that this novel is about morality. â€Å"One of the most endearing qualities of the teenage protagonist is his empathy for other people, especially those whom others reject. †(Edwards) Ackley, for example, everyone hates him. He has â€Å"sinus trouble, pimples, lousy teeth, halitosis, crumby fingernails. like June Edwards concluded from the novel. (Edwards) But, says Holden, â€Å"You had to feel a little sorry for the crazy sonuvabitch. †(Salinger) Holden is the only one who does. Though Ackley irritates him, he never turns him away. What’s more, he even invited Ackley to see a movie with him and another boy because he knew he has no friends at all and no one else would hangs out with him. The concern about other people Holden showed doesn’t come very often in the surroundings at his age, which proves that the Catcher in the Rye’s morality. Holden Caulfield claims himself hates people who behave one way in public and another way in private. â€Å"Except if some boy had little old funny-looking parents†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ if a boy's mother was sort of fat and corny-looking†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ then old Haas would just shake hands with them and give them a phony smile and then he'd go talk, maybe for half an hour with someone else's parents. †(Salinger) One of the most important qualities about morality is against hypocrites. Being genuine and honesty towards others is what Holden believes in and he actually did accomplish it. What’s more, after Holden leaves Pency Prep, he made his way to New York City. Afraid of going home to tell his parents the truth that he was expelled from school, again, and let them disappointed, he decided to go to a hotel. Holden said yes to a pimp who persuades him to have a good time in the elevator. However, he found himself â€Å"uncomfortable†when the prostitute approaches him. His inability to a sexual activity indicates the characteristic he has innocence, which he also wants to protect children from losing. The title â€Å"Catcher in the Rye†reveals the protagonist’s willingness to become the Catcher. Aside of his own innocence, Holden would like to â€Å"catch†other children’ innocence. When Holden comes home without telling his parents just to see Phoebe, he tells her that what he would like to become more than anything else in the world is a Catcher in the Rye. â€Å"Anyway, I keep picturing all these little kids playing some game in this big field of rye and all. †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦And I'm standing on the edge of some crazy cliff. What I have to do, I have to catch everybody if they start to go over the cliff †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦I have to come out from somewhere and catch them. That's all I'd do all day. I'd just be the catcher in the rye and all. (Salinger 173) The innocence and simplicity of children holds an especial appeal for Holden as well. For instance, toward the end of the book, Holden's frantic desire to erase all the â€Å"Fuck you†s scrawled throughout the city and around the world is related to Holden's fear of becoming an adult, his disgust with the vulgarity of the real world, and his need to protect the innocence of those younger than him, just like his sister. One cares so much about protecting others from falling to the â€Å"cliff†must be a genuine and virtuous person. In conclusion, it can be argued that the Catcher in the Rye is a moral book and should not be banned. Though we’ve reached an agreement that problematic words, sentences do exist, we need to learn to look beyond them because we know the intention of Holden is good. Judge a book’s quality and education meaning is not depending on whether it has blasphemous words or not. Actions, not words, reveal a person’s attitude and intention. What truly inside the bad words is a sense of being lost; we can witness a teenager’s struggle and search for finding his value in society. The word he uses is a typical insecure young man’s protection shell during adolescence, which we should be able to understand.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Jefferson and Madison essays
Jefferson and Madison essays Thomas Jefferson and James Madison, who were republicans, were against what they regarded as an intensity and misuse of power in the hands of the federalists in the Washington and Adams management. Alexander Hamilton, the secretary of treasury, had a major impact on the ideas proposed during the administration of Washington. Before the time of their presidency, Jefferson and Madison were completely opposed to Hamiltons ideas and devices. Hamilton believed in a strong central government led by a prosperous, educated elite of upper-class citizens. He was also a loose constructionist, who believed that the government was able to do anything as long as the Constitution did not specifically forbid it from doing so. Hamilton, as well as Washington and Adams, was more of a pragmatist. Having a grip on reality aided in making wiser decisions. When elected President, Jefferson and Madison, compromised their position they held against the Federalists, by contradicting their belief syste m and siding more with Hamiltons ideas. Before his presidency, Jefferson was a strict constructionist, who believed that the government could not do anything except what the Constitution specifically empowered it to do. His contradiction to this belief was the Louisiana Purchase. The Louisiana Purchase, which included all of the land drained by the western tributaries of the Mississippi River, doubled the size of the United States. Jefferson, who purchased the land from Napoleon, realized that the vast new lands could form the empire of liberty that was his vision for the nation. Feeling uncertain that the purchase was constitutional, Jefferson used loose constructionism as his excuse for purchasing the land. At the time, Jefferson feared that Napoleons intention with the land, which was to use the territory as a breadbasket for the French West Indies, would force the United States into an alliance with Britain....
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
About the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
About the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Created under the Federal Aviation Act of 1958, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) functions as a regulatory agency under the U.S. Department of Transportation with a primary mission of ensuring the safety of civil aviation. Civil aviation includes all non-military, private and commercial aviation activities, including aerospace activities. The FAA also works closely with the U.S. military to ensure the safe operation of military aircraft in public airspace across the nation. Primary Responsibilities of the FAA Include: Regulating civil aviation to promote safety within the U.S. and abroad. The FAA exchanges information with foreign aviation authorities; certifies foreign aviation repair shops, air crews, and mechanics; provides technical aid and training; negotiates bilateral airworthiness agreements with other countries; and takes part in international conferences.Encouraging and developing civil aeronautics, including new aviation technology.Developing and operating a system of air traffic control and navigation for both civil and military aircraft.Researching and developing the National Airspace System and civil aeronautics.Developing and carrying out programs to control aircraft noise and other environmental effects of civil aviation,Regulating U.S. commercial space transportation. The FAA licenses commercial space launch facilities and private launches of space payloads on expendable launch vehicles. Investigation of aviation incidents, accidents and disasters is conducted by the National Transportation Safety Board, an independent government agency. Organization of the FAAAn administrator manages FAA, assisted by a Deputy Administrator. Five Associate Administrators report to the Administrator and direct the line-of-business organizations that carry out the agencys principle functions. The Chief Counsel and nine Assistant Administrators also report to the Administrator. The Assistant Administrators oversee other key programs such as Human Resources, Budget, and System Safety. We also have nine geographical regions and two major centers, the Mike Monroney Aeronautical Center and the William J. Hughes Technical Center. FAA History What would become the FAA was born in 1926 with passage of the Air Commerce Act. The law established the framework of the modern FAA by directing the Cabinet-level Department of Commerce with promoting commercial aviation, issuing and enforcing air traffic rules, licensing pilots, certifying aircraft, establishing airways, and operating and maintaining systems to help pilots navigate the skies. The Commerce Department’s new Aeronautics Branch took off, overseeing U.S. aviation for the next eight years. In 1934, the former Aeronautics Branch was renamed the Bureau of Air Commerce. In one of its first acts the Bureau worked with a group of airlines to set up the nation’s first air traffic control centers in Newark, New Jersey, Cleveland, Ohio, and Chicago, Illinois. In 1936, the Bureau assumed control of the three centers, thus establishing the concept of federal control over air traffic control operations at major airports. Focus Shifts to Safety In 1938, after a series of high-profile fatal accidents, the federal emphasis shifted to aviation safety with passage of the Civil Aeronautics Act. The law created the politically-independent Civil Aeronautics Authority (CAA), with a three-member Air Safety Board. As a forerunner of today’s National Transportation Safety Board, the Air Safety Board began investigating accidents and recommending how they could be prevented. As a pre-World War II defense measure, the CAA assumed control over air traffic control systems at all airports, including towers at small airports. In the post-war years, the federal government assumed responsibility for air traffic control systems at most airports. On June 30, 1956, a Trans World Airlines Super Constellation and a United Air Lines DC-7 collided over the Grand Canyon killing all 128 people on the two planes. The crash happened on a sunny day with no other air traffic in the area. The disaster, along with the growing use of jet airliners capable of speeds nearing 500 miles per hour, drove a demand for a more unified federal effort to ensure the safety of the flying public. Birth of the FAA On August 23, 1958, President Dwight D. Eisenhower signed the Federal Aviation Act, which transferred the old Civil Aeronautics Authoritys functions to a new independent, regulatory Federal Aviation Agency responsible for ensuring the safety of all aspects of non-military aviation. On December 31, 1958, the Federal Aviation Agency began operations with retired Air Force General Elwood Pete Quesada serving as its first administrator. In 1966, President Lyndon B. Johnson, believing a single coordinated system for federal regulation of all modes of land, sea and air transportation was needed, directed Congress to create the cabinet-level Department of Transportation (DOT). On April 1, 1967, the DOT began full operation and immediately changed the name of the old Federal Aviation Agency to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). On the same day, the accident investigation function of the old Air Safety Board was transferred to the new National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB).
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Answering the paragraph Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Answering the paragraph - Essay Example Ceramics- Nowadays advanced ceramic materials are used for building to make turbine engines as they work more efficiently. Nowadays heat resistant ceramic tiles are used to protect during re – entry. Modern ceramics contain more components that before and are known as ceramic oxides.High temperature ceramics are also lately used in air craft making. â€Å"Engineered ceramics are increasingly being used in commercial and military aircraft, and have been used in the space shuttle and its equipment for many years†. Polymers – In modern aircrafts polymers are used to built airframe, window protection, interior trim, lightly stressed parts, and electrical insulators. The current invented polymer fibers are high in strength and can equal steel. New progression in polymer is the production of low cost polymers as polyethylene.. Composites – composites are an integral part of aircraft structure and there had been a great progression in this material within years. Composites like ceramic composites, polymer composites, carbon- fiber composites all have made the air craft develop vastly. Carbon fiber, aramid fiber is also common composites used for aircraft. Most of the airframe are made of composites and are highly cost – effective and durable. ... Since decades, aircraft technology has changed and the desire of humans for better quality and service has motivated the engineering world to find materials that are advanced. Now all the materials used for aircraft building have been progressed and many are less costing and have high durability. One of the advantages is that, new materials need less of maintenance and last for longer time. As the scientific world is improving the researchers want to make best use of nature and technology to satisfy customer needs and wants. Question 2. List 3 different nano materials and explain why they have become the major buzzword in Science over the last 20 years. Nanomaterials are things that are made with nano particles and are produced using nanotechnology. They are chemical substance which has increased strength, conductivity and light weight. Nano materials are new invention in engineering field and are highly demanded for their sophistication. The different nanomaterials are as follows. F ullerenes Fullerenes are carbon structures made with nanotechnology and have hollow cage like form. It has 60 atoms of carbon and is composed of pure carbon molecule. It has a shape of that of a soccer ball or a dome. It is a highly promising element in material science as it can be used for medical applications, fiber optics and super conductors. Fullerenes are similar to graphite in structure and can also come in spherical shapes. Carbon Nanotubes Carbon nanotube is another nanomaterial which is made of carbon and comes in tube shape. They have a diameter which measures on a nanometer scale. Carbon nanotubes come in many shapes and sizes with number of layers. They are formed from graphite
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